More Real. Life. Stories.

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

Real. Life. Stories. is back! Six, ten-minute plays, about ordinary people dealing with engaging and, sometimes, extraordinary circumstances, seasoned with comedy, pathos, surprise and inspiration.

More Real. Life. Stories.

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

Real. Life. Stories. is back! Six, ten-minute plays, about ordinary people dealing with engaging and, sometimes, extraordinary circumstances, seasoned with comedy, pathos, surprise and inspiration.

More Real. Life. Stories.

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

Real. Life. Stories. is back! Six, ten-minute plays, about ordinary people dealing with engaging and, sometimes, extraordinary circumstances, seasoned with comedy, pathos, surprise and inspiration.

More Real. Life. Stories.

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

Real. Life. Stories. is back! Six, ten-minute plays, about ordinary people dealing with engaging and, sometimes, extraordinary circumstances, seasoned with comedy, pathos, surprise and inspiration.

The Adventures of Sleepyhead

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

We are all a little Sleepyhead, waking to the world with wonder and hope. From the brain of award winning clown, Gemma Soldati, this otherworldly, interactive hour explores the source of imagination and the tick-tock of our internal clock. The Adventures of Sleepyhead promises better dreams and a good night sleep or your money back.

Soggy Po Boys

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

The Soggy Po Boys, native to New England, have quickly become an institution. They are spreading the good news of New Orleans music across the northeast and beyond, playing at concert halls and street corners; music festivals and burlesque festivals; bars and libraries; wherever the party requires. Part of the beauty of New Orleans music is that it's celebrated and appreciated wherever it goes, from the street to the theater.

Earth Port Film Festival

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

It’s the 10th Anniversary of the Earth Port Film Festival! The 2024 Festival continues to feature short films that tell engaging and inspiring stories of people in communities around the world impacted by and taking action to address the environmental challenges facing the Earth today.

Climate Resiliency Screening

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

Celebrating their 20th year, the Newburyport Documentary Film Festival is pleased to partner with the City of Newburyport Resiliency Committee to present an evening of films that address the climate crisis as it affects our community.

Event Series The Big Game

The Big Game

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

THE BIG GAME is tomorrow, and Middle School team captain Jonas has his players ready to go against a rival Middle school. However, at the last minute, his principal tells him that six of his players have failing grades and can no longer be on the team! THE BIG GAME is a fast-moving, funny play with surprises galore for the whole family!

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