Newburyport Doc Film Festival – YES Showcase

The Screening Room 82 State Street, Newburyport, MA, United States

The second annual YES Award is a free event featuring the works of 6 current and recent graduate filmmakers and media arts majors from some of […]

Jack Has A Plan/The Art of Healing

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

Two Gripping Films to launch the 2022 Newburyport Documentary Film Festival!

Elemental: Reimagining Our Relationship with Wildfire

The Screening Room 82 State Street, Newburyport, MA, United States

AT THE SCREENING ROOM: As fire seasons grow longer, more destructive and more deadly, it is clear that our approach to reducing wildfire risk is failing.

And Outside Life Goes On

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

AT THE FIREHOUSE: With the Covid crisis we have realized that working in a hospital means to be confronted to life and death in a very direct way.

Fashion Reimagined

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

AT THE FIREHOUSE: Fashion designer Amy Powney decides to use award money to create a sustainable collection, aiming toward a much bigger, societal change.

Off The Beaten Path Shorts Block

The Screening Room 82 State Street, Newburyport, MA, United States

AT THE SCREENING ROOM: More often than not, life leads us off the narrow paths we thought we’d set for ourselves. These short films take us (and their subjects) to places we can scarcely imagine.

The Wake Up Call

Firehouse Center for the Arts Market Square, Newburyport, MA, United States

AT THE FIREHOUSE: Dave Evans was a renowned prosthetist, humanitarian and peace activist. A double amputee himself, he dedicated his post-military career to transforming lives shattered by our world of never-ending wars.

The Screening Room 82 State Street, Newburyport, MA, United States

AT THE SCREENING ROOM: Guanglin is a blind boy who displays great skill at the ancient Chinese board game Go. Raised by a single father with limited means, they face deep societal prejudice against the blind.

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