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What a strange summer this has been. We started 2020 with one of our most ambitious programming plans to date – and then COVID-19 hit. The performing arts industry has been among the hardest hit. It was the first industry to be shuttered and will be one of the last to reopen. We have used this time to reflect on our successes and look for additional opportunities to grow and improve.

We found success with our first drive-in musical and have plans for additional offerings – thank you for supporting this exciting new initiative. And while it was successful, the financial return was more than 2/3 less than a typical production. With the suspension of Reopening Massachusetts, our doors remain closed and it is unclear when we will be able to welcome you all back into our Arakelian Theater. We are planning technological improvements to provide higher quality virtual offerings, looking towards expanding our socially distant theatrical productions, and eagerly awaiting a safe reopening of our building.

Today, we ask for you help. Each year, over 25,000 audience members come through our doors – if each of you would consider donating just $10, we would in a strong position to make all of the necessary improvements to the Firehouse to propel us into a very different future than we had anticipated only nine months ago. So - will you help the Firehouse Ignite with a gift of $10?

We will rise, and we will do it together.

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